Wednesday Whisper: 22nd February 2023

Which DJ agency has recently started demanding its clients only give interviews to pre-selected publications? A few weeks ago, a publication – and no, it wasn’t Ears To The House, before you ask – approached quite a famous female artist and touring DJ to see if she’d be willing to talk to them for an article.

The artist was pretty happy to go ahead with this, and a date and time for the interview to be recorded was arranged. But the day the interview was to take place, the publication received an email from the same agency which represents the artist which not only cancelled the chat – it also ensured there would almost certainly never be another one.

The email explained that “Our policy is that our artists only do interviews with a pre-selected list of publications. If they’re not on the list, we don’t allow an interview to take place. The publications are chosen due to the level of compliance and respect shown to our clients. Other publications may not show the level of compliance we deem appropriate. Our DJs have all been reminded of this policy.”.

The agency declined to comment when approached by Ears To The House, although a source associated with them did say “It’s simple. If the approved list guys start asking difficult questions, they can cut off their access to everyone on the agency. They’re not the only ones doing this either.”.

And you wonder why Ears To The House doesn’t run interviews…


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