DJs Playing Badly: 9th July 2023

Welcome to another instalment of DJs Playing Badly – our column where, each Sunday, we take a look at DJs who have committed some kind of fail. Perhaps a totally messed up mix transition or they’ve failed to create any kind of atmosphere. You get the idea.

This week, we’re not quite sure who’s playing in this clip – but judging by the music, we don’t think we want to know. Nor, by the looks of it, do the people inside the large pool – many of whom are probably splashing because they’re trying to get the hell out of there.

Amidst the 250 comments left on the post at the time of writing, one person wondered at “how much piss is inside that pool”. We’re wondering it, too – and now you’ve read it, so are you…

More DJs Playing Badly next Sunday.


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