Is it to buy more cola or just make things easier? CamelPhat are liquidating their own company – now let me tell you why this story isn’t quite as exciting as it first sounds…

If there’s one thing I’ve noticed about DJs over the years, it’s that the bigger they become, the more prickly and bad tempered they become. Whilst there are a few exceptions to the rule – Carl Cox, for example, remains pretty grounded despite his huge success – I’d argue it’s truer now than ever.

And you’d be hard pressed to find a duo that, despite being very successful and very rich, are even more miserable, foul-mouthed grumps than CamelPhat. For a duo whom have enjoyed considerable success – not just under the CamelPhat alias, but others before it – they do seem to have a chip on their shoulder.

They’re hopelessly bad at dealing with any criticism sent their way. So let’s aim some more questions in their direction. Namely, what the hell is going on their company CamelPhat Limited – or should I say former company?

Papers which have recently appeared on Companies House show that the company went into voluntary liquidation on 9th March 2020, just ahead of the pandemic. The liquidation process is still ongoing, not least because the person who was first appointed to carry out proceedings, Matthew Dunham, sadly died in July.

The company appeared to be in good health shortly before time was called on it. The last statements filed in February 2019 showed a plentiful £1.8million in the bank. Around the same time, they set up a brand new company Hypercolour Blue Limited – with the same David Whelan and Michael Di Scala in charge and registered at the same address as the last company.

Accounts for this new company are not yet available. So what is happening here? From the outset, it looks to me like the new company does a number of things that the old one didn’t – so it could be a simple case of putting everything they’re involved with in one company.

It might make doing the accounts simpler, if nothing else…

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