If you’re on this website and you like going to plague raves, I shall be polite for the moment. I strongly disagree with your opinion that it’s acceptable to go to a rave in the middle of a pandemic, especially ones with nothing in place to reduce the risk of transmission to the minimum possible.
You might wish to leave at this point, because I shall soon be considerably less polite about your proclivities of choice. Other websites are available and all that.
For everyone who’s still here, I notice that police stopped a ticketed plague rave from going ahead last weekend. Good, I say. Frankly, I wish the police had been doing this earlier. If they’d had the powers last March that they do now, this wouldn’t have become anywhere near the problem it is.
And don’t take my word for it. I’m in regular contact with a few people who work in the illegal rave trade – one of them has been putting them on for over 20 years, and he said he wouldn’t even dream of putting one on in the current climate. As he put it in an email to me recently, the people going to these events are “fucking self-indulgent wankers” and “these daft cunts are putting money into the hands of criminals who couldn’t give a shit if they catch corona”.
I cannot honestly disagree.
[…] Techno has nothing to say about Derrick May.Monday: why Gearslutz is suddenly ashamed of their name.Tuesday: plague raves. Still annoying me.Wednesday: what might be in Sterling Void’s book?Thursday: I […]