I haven’t taken much of a look at Resident Advisor lately – a quick look confirms the website is full of the usual content. Mostly of the variety designed to tick boxes and make them look good rather than anything designed to get a great understanding of… well, anything really.
But one thing did pique my interest, funnily enough. It was an article they published a few days ago about a fashion show that took place in none other than Detroit. Moodymann scored the show – apparently, that means he wrote or arranged the music – and Carl Craig designed a light and sound installation. Not for the event itself, naturally, but for a cocktail party which would take place after the show had finished.
So this is where we are now. Resident Advisor have found the time to write and publish an article about a fashion show in Detroit. Yet there are so many other stories from Detroit which they could write about.
And since editor Whitney Wei is on a crusade to “raise the calibre of music journalism”, I thought I’d help her out.
Why not publish a piece finally confirming that the Belleville Three story is nonsense? I’ve written about it, and Michael James has written about it too. But this myth has now been circulating for 33 years and Resident Advisor have been perfectly happy to make money out of it too. Isn’t it time the record was corrected and the truth revealed to the public after three decades?
Or perhaps you could start writing articles reminding everyone of the allegations whenever Derrick May is booked for a gig pretty much anywhere. May seems to think that he can simply go back to work without answering the claims made against him. When Resident Advisor first approached him for comment on the allegations last year, his lawyer failed to even include a denial. This only changed when affidavits for his failed libel trial against Michael James proceeded.
And given that Resident Advisor have a penchant these days for reporting on every minority going – regardless of whether they’re any good or not – perhaps they could report on new talent emerging from the city.
All in all, this campaign by Wei to “raise the calibre of music journalism” isn’t going very well, is it?