Heaps of criticism – much of it from your favourite house music producer’s page here – was aimed at Resident Advisor a few weeks ago. They’d received a £750k bailout from Arts Council England to see them through the bailout.
Numerous detractors swung all the axes in their direction – allegations of racism, misuse of their power and even a claim (that I couldn’t substantiate) that they were paid a few years ago not to write about a financial scandal surrounding one of the biggest names in the house music scene.
The money doesn’t appear to be getting spent on saving the jobs of its employees. Ask Marissa Cetin. She did her last shift on October 30th. Initial queries suggest that she was made redundant before the bailout was confirmed.

All the same, this is not a good look, Resident Advisor. And seeing that this is public money, we very much have the right to ask how it’s being used…