When is a dance music legend not a dance music legend?

Dance music is one of few places where someone who made one great track years and years ago can be called a legend. This even applies if they’ve been releasing rubbish ever since in a desperate attempt to remain relevant.

I’m sad to say that we can now add Paul Oakenfold to that list. In the late 1990s, he was at the peak of his powers. Having worked on a huge number of productions earlier in the decade, he concentrated more on his DJ work and became easily one of the best DJs in the world for a time.

So what a crying shame it was to hear his latest foray on New State Music. Third-rate lyrics and a tune that’s nicked from “Situation” by Yazoo. Is this really the best that a man of Oakenfold’s talents can really come up with?

What an absolute disgrace to his own legacy.

If you want to hear this sorry excuse in full, you can do so here.

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