Who’s trying to stop us finding the truth about streaming?

Hello, everyone. Normal service on this page will resume very soon. I’m just enjoying time with my new baby and being a family of five. Just know that I’m busy with new music for 2021 and that I’m investigating a number of things that I can’t wait to report on.

I just thought I’d log on here quickly to comment on the evidence being given at the moment to a parliamentary committee looking into streaming and the effect Covid-19 is having on the music business. Frankly, some of what I’m hearing is absolutely gobsmacking. What’s being revealed is disturbing and I urge you all to follow it.

Worryingly, it also appears that the bully boys who run the majors are trying to shut people up. Julian Knight MP, who chairs the committee, has said:

“We have been told by many different sources that some of the people interested in speaking to us have become reluctant to do so because they fear action may be taken against them if they speak in public.

I would like to say that we would take a very dim view if we had any evidence of anyone interfering with witnesses to one of our inquiries. No one should suffer any detriment for speaking to a parliamentary committee and anyone deliberately causing harm to one of our witnesses would be in danger of being in contempt of this House.

This committee will brook no such interference and will not hesitate to name and shame anyone proven to be involved in such activity.”

Your move, majors…


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