Last night, I had an interesting conversation with a producer friend who has recently changed what genre they make. Without disclosing names, they were well-known for quite a while for making a particular genre of music, but switched to something else almost entirely during the past year.
When I asked him why he’d made the switch, he told me he was “bored” of the way the genre was going and felt “completely uninspired”. So he’s decided to make something else and is now full of inspiration and ideas again. I can really see it too – the guy is more enthusiastic than he’s been in a long time!
This is something I can relate to, to an extent. I’ve started making records in the 2-step genre recently and I’m currently working out what the best way to get them out there is. I’ve also dabbled in a few things that are closer to EDM than anything else.
I have also tried my hand at one genre where it simply didn’t work for me. I thought one day I’d have a go at making some hip-hop tunes. It didn’t take long for me to see that this wasn’t going to be my destiny – although I reused most of what I did in subsequent house productions!
Don’t be shy. Try different things if the mood takes you. You might just surprise yourself!
[…] Wednesday: Amateur At Play – now flirting with 2-step […]