Why you shouldn’t be fooled by Defected’s latest venture

I originally wrote the following in July 2020 on my Facebook page. I’m currently in the process of moving a huge amount of content over to this website, and I thought this one was still relevant today. So, here it is in its entirety…

It was inevitable that the Defected Records cash cow was eventually going to start looking at afro house in the way Bernard Matthews used to look at turkeys. They’ve launched a brand new record label, called Sondela.

The African sounding name is, of course, nothing more than a marketing gimmick. The label will be based in London, just like the rest of Defected’s empire – and the collaborative effort with Bridges For Music is merely an attempt to pull the wool over our eyes. This is about money, pure and simple.

Oh, and who is the A&R at Sondela? It’s not Sef Kombo, despite the claims in the propaganda. Scroll down to the bottom and you’ll see a quote from the real A&R at the label – one Louie Dunmore, a son of Defected head honcho Simon Dunmore.

Charity certainly starts at home in the Dunmore household, doesn’t it?

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One thought on “Why you shouldn’t be fooled by Defected’s latest venture

  1. The Saturday Recap – 20th February 2021 – Amateur At Play’s House 20 February 2021 at 10:25

    […] Sunday: Defected does afro house – is it just about the money? […]

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