Today, we start off a brand new series on this page, exploring some of the best house dubs to come out over the years. These aren’t necessarily chosen for impact on the scene, more out of personal preference.
Today, it’s “Promises” by Paris Red from 1992.
I can find virtually no information online about Paris Red. All I know is she was active from 1991 to around 1998, then seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Thankfully, I do know a lot more about E-Smoove.
He was one of the big house remixers in the 1990s and worked for labels big and small, applying his brand of mostly big piano house wherever he went.
And like many great producers, he knew when to take a different approach. He certainly did so with this dub in 1992 – whilst it loops quite a bit, plenty of elements come in and out of the mix keeping things interesting…