The news – which I read courtesy of Mixmag yesterday – that Spain have decided to ditch the rule that tells everyone that they must wear face masks on the beach, was not a terribly surprising revelation.
The caveat of this is that people must maintain social distancing by remaining a minimum of 1½ metres away from anyone they don’t live with, or aren’t in a bubble arrangement with. Apparently, the Spanish authorities think this is going to work.
With respect, I’m not sure that those people who go to Ibiza and such for a, shall we say, romantic holiday, will take too much notice of such things. This remains to be seen.
This all reminds me of something I saw in the Popbitch newsletter. Speaking about a Christmas office party that took place at The Sun newspaper, they wrote…
“For the last few weeks, we’ve been repeating a story about their impromptu, rule-bending office Xmas party – at which a 50-something male executive and a female staffer 30 years his junior breached social distancing guidelines by getting minus three inches away from one another.”
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I suspect many holidaymakers have this type of social distancing in mind…