Glowing words towards the “brother that he never had”, yet he doesn’t follow him on social media: more rumours that all is not well with Masters At Work

A few weeks ago, I ran an article that asked whether all was well with Masters At Work. Despite the release of their first single as a duo for over 20 years, there seemed to be no sign of a joint interview with the two men.

The piece received a few complaints from people claiming that I was simply trying to cause trouble. Absolutely not. They’re both immensely talented as individuals and as a duo, and the idea that things aren’t right saddens me.

A joint interview has finally appeared, late last week, on Beatportal. Written up by Harold Heath, the internet was conducted via Zoom for blindingly obvious reasons. It’s not stated whether the men were together for the call or in seperate places.

In it, much is said about their musically diverse backgrounds, and they discuss numerous past glories. Kenny even claims that he’s never had a fight with Louie. But there was no reference whatsoever to new single “Mattel”, and only a vague reference to new material elsewhere.

This already has the feeling of being dance music’s equivalent of a greatest hits tour – one last show on the road to make a bit of extra money before they go their seperate ways entirely. And this interview has done nothing to dispell such suspicions.

Louie ends the interview with these words about Kenny:

“I was brought up with 8 sisters, and for me, Kenny is the brother that I never had, and that’s it.” 

Strange then, isn’t it, that Louie doesn’t appear to follow Kenny on social media anywhere. Cursory checks on their Facebook pages – both fan and personal ones – reveal they are not friends on the site. The same story can be found on Twitter, whereas on Instagram, Kenny follows Louie – but it’s unreciprocated.

Given how active both men are on social media – Kenny slightly less so, although this is understandable from a father of young triplets – this does not look like an innocent oversight to me.

I get the feeling this one could run for a while longer.


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One thought on “Glowing words towards the “brother that he never had”, yet he doesn’t follow him on social media: more rumours that all is not well with Masters At Work

  1. What do PR companies actually do? Reading what’s written about their clients obviously isn’t one of them for Additive Music, it seems! – Amateur At Play's House 13 May 2021 at 11:38

    […] I’ve also published pieces questioning whether the two men are getting on – here and here. As a Masters At Work fan since the early 1990s, they weren’t easy to write […]

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