Back in 2004, a film was released called Der Untergang. This German movie was about the final days of Adolf Hitler’s maniacal Nazi regime. It’s particularly well known for a scene where Hitler is...
Wednesday Whisper #1 – the anonymous DJ accused of putting on the pounds during lockdown and a cruel jibe from a “friend” involving a crane
Which American DJ has recently been getting increasingly irked at the suggestion from a group of concerned friends that he needed to lose weight? According to insiders who know him, he’s always been a...
The latest trend in music? Finding old stuff that was overlooked the first time round and making it popular – if only I knew an artist worthy of such treatment…
I never knew this, but one of the latest trends in music is trying to find old stuff that wasn’t very popular when it was new. I read about this over on MBW, with...
What would a Masters At Work remix of “Get Get Down” sound like? If history had gone differently, we might now know…
Paul Johnson has always been proud of “Get Get Down”. Ever since it came out in 1999 and was licensed to numerous labels, including Defected in the UK, he regularly references it. His forthcoming...