How DO you work out if a pandemic is over? Turns out you don’t ask a virologist – you ask millionaire DJ Deborah De Luca!

There was a time when if you wanted to find the answer to a question, you’d ask someone with expertise in their field. For example, if you wanted to install electricity into your house, you’d speak to an electrician. Or if you were having problems with a leaking toilet, you’d get a plumber.

One would imagine, as an extension of this, that the best people to ask about Covid-19 would be virologists or perhaps scientists who have spent years studying precisely these things. Apparently not. At least if your name is Deborah De Luca, that is…

According to the figures I have, another 416 died with coronavirus in the United States of America on Tuesday, with over 25,000 new cases confirmed. Hardly an indicator of a pandemic that’s over…


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