This blog certainly likes to make fun of DJ Sneak – just like I did earlier this week – but believe it or not, I do hold a certain amount of respect for the man. He still has a huge fan base and he still gets booked for plenty of shows.
He’s also not afraid to say what he thinks. If he doesn’t like something or someone, he leaves you in no doubt as to what he thinks. Now who does that remind me of?
A few months ago, Sneak said that he was going to have all his music removed from digital services, explicitly naming Traxsource – whom he hasn’t liked for a long time. And I’ve been helping him to keep to his promise.
Unfortunately, he isn’t doing too well with his pledge. Infact, it’s going about as well as ex-President Donald Trump’s attempts to build a wall at the US-Mexico border. Since April 20th, the total number of DJ Sneak releases on Traxsource was 572. My update on May 4th had the number unchanged.
Today, as of May 28th, the total remains at 572. Sneak’s day of freedom from the seemingly evil overlords at Traxsource is currently not due until nearly Christmas… in 2023.
Do you regret making this pledge yet?