As Derrick May’s plan for a quickie Greek wedding runs into a most fur-midable problem, the tale of how he planned to retire in Tokyo – and why the plan went awry

With Derrick May currently having second thoughts about his plan to go to Greece to marry his “passport” girlfriend Sofia Tsagaraki – not least because of the risk complaints about his conduct could have been made to EU police forces – it might be worth reminding the world that May has a habit of coming up with plans and not following through on them.

For example, this interview that he gave in 2014 to The Metropolitan reveals that if the gates were being closed on Detroit forever, he’d choose to go to Tokyo. And a source confirms that around this time, May was seriously mulling over the prospect of not only moving to Tokyo, but retiring there too.

Explaining May’s thinking at the time, my source said “Derrick thought he’d had enough. He was finding the music a bit boring. I also remember him saying something about Japanese women being more submissive – though he also seemed to think Japan was part of China.”.

And why did May not follow through on this plan? By all accounts, it was because he realised how expensive life in Tokyo would have been and that his money would have run out in a maximum of two years.

Still, that won’t be a problem here. Tsagaraki comes from a well-off family…


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