Is the course not selling that well for you, Gary? Take That crooner and tax dodger Barlow has cut price for his songwriting course by 25%…

Is this dance music related? Well, Mark Picchiotti once remixed one of his songs back in 1999… so no, it isn’t. But this blog exists partly for my own personal enjoyment, so I’m writing about it anyway. Normal dance music related mischief continues later.

I got an email on Sunday which gave me a chuckle. It was from Skio Music. Gary Barlow is running a songwriting course – and by the looks of it, things aren’t going that well. The course now sells for just £60 – but it’s only open to British residents, for some BBC related reason.

Myself, I can’t help but wonder why the singer and songwriter, who’s worth some £80million, puts himself through this. He doesn’t need the money – or the inevitable tax related jokes that other less kind souls than me would make…

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