Many people in the dance music world are well into caricature territory, but they just don’t know it. They still think they’re private figures who nobody knows. This blog thoroughly enjoys mocking them for it – the fact they have absolutely no idea how to respond intrigues me.
However, some people are in a special class of their own. And David Guetta is definitely one of these. Not only does he know he’s a caricature of himself, he probably doesn’t care. Well, except for that time he lost his marbles over a Wunderground article.
That said, Guetta must have something inside him to get to where he is today. You don’t get from horrendous records called “Nation Rap” to the megastar he is today just by bluffing. And now I’ve finally worked out what it is I like about him.
It’s that he has a shrewd business brain. You see, when Parlophone was purchased by Warner Music in 2013, it was assumed the masters for David Guetta’s tracks went with it. Seems not – it was only licences that were included. Hence a big payday for Guetta worth over $100million eight years later.
Will I still be taking the mickey out of him, especially when he does things like this?
You bet I will…