Confirmation (as if any was needed) that Derrick May IS under new management… but just look at the utterly farcical route you have to take to get to Hagi’s desk…

This blog exclusively revealed that Derrick May was under new management on May 2nd. However, there were some things that I couldn’t explain at the time. Namely, why had the details for his management not been changed anywhere. Patricia Altisent was still listed on his social media profiles and on Resident Advisor.

I decided to ask a couple of promoter friends to help me out with a little exercise. I requested that they send an email to Patricia Altisent with hypothetical bookings for May. They were from a number of different countries – some are from agencies, some were independent. These were sent out over a period of several weeks.

So, what happened? Well, the address for Patricia Altisent at Transmat still works. I won’t publish it because she seems to think it’s harassment to do so. All the emails were subsequently forwarded to Mike Weston – quite why is a mystery – and then forwarded again to Hagi Craig herself.

Here was one of the responses. They all read almost identically…

Curiously, Detroit Premiere Artists makes no reference to Derrick May on their website either. I wonder whether other artists represented by the agency, such as Stacey Pullen, Kenny Larkin and Sébastien Léger are aware of the situation?

One final observation from the promoters who took part – and I send them my deepest thanks – was that, for most of them, it took up to a week to get a reply. As one put it, “this is a common trick used to make an artist look busier than they are. And in 99% of cases, it’s bull***t.”…


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