Derrick May has a friend. And that’s not the only surprise…

Today, it’s not Derrick May who’s being an arsehole. Well, he no doubt is, just as he has been every day for at least the past 35 years. But today, it’s one of his friends who’s going to sit in the ducking stool on his behalf.

Meet Patricia Altisent. She is currently Derrick May’s manager. She is also his former girlfriend. The two were in a relationship for some six years, so it’s safe to say she’s got to know May.

Curiously however, she doesn’t want you to know that she manages Derrick May. The recently rebranded Transmat Agency has a nice little profile up about her ladyship. It makes no mention of her friend and one time boyfriend.

Last week, she got her Zurich based solicitors to send another threatening email over to Michael James, the journalist who originally got the ball going on the allegations that still enwreathe May now.

Head over to his page if you fancy reading the “confidential” email. He covers this in great detail. There is one matter, however, that I’d like to pick up on.

Altisent’s solicitor is most indignant about the fact that “on his Facebook page, [James] has even published the email address of our client”. In which case, they might want to get in touch with the bailout receiving, plague rave profiteering Resident Advisor.

They have a page for an artist called Iva, whom Altisent represents. What do you see at the bottom of the picture? Click it and zoom right in…

Yep, it’s Patricia Altisent’s email address. Get your solicitors on the phone, Patricia!

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2 thoughts on “Derrick May has a friend. And that’s not the only surprise…

  1. Has Patricia Altisent dumped Derrick May? Manager refuses to comment on claims she’s ditched the Detroit DJ amidst sex abuse allegations – Amateur At Play’s House 8 April 2021 at 21:52

    […] written once or twice in reference to Patricia Altisent recently. She is Derrick May’s manager. Or was. No one seems to know for certain. Emails to […]

  2. Money, drugs, women: the REAL tale of Derrick May? – Amateur At Play’s House 1 April 2021 at 21:23

    […] I previously talked about how saddened May would be if Transmat was to ever close down – which makes his silence on what his manager Patricia Altisent doing even more baffling. […]

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