Is Resident Advisor linked to the Save Our Scene UK movement? This blog did what the journalists didn’t – and the answer came back as a no!

I was hoping to blog about this one before now, but Resident Advisor took a while to respond to my query. A number of people contacted me around the time of the Save Our Scene UK protest last week asking me if this was a connection between the two.

A brief explanation for those unaware – Resident Advisor launched a campaign in March 2020 called Save Our Scene. It was a somewhat vague and short campaign, but one point they made was that people shouldn’t claim refunds for events that had just been cancelled due to the pandemic – instead, hang onto the tickets until events could be rescheduled.

A few people asked me if Resident Advisor and Save Our Scene UK are in any way connected. I could find no evidence for this claim – but I decided to ask Resident Advisor before publication. They said…

“Resident Advisor has no affiliation with ‘Save Our Scene UK’ and specifically the event that took place in London on 27th June. We did employ this slogan back in 2020 when we launched our own industry wide campaign. That is where our association with the term begins and ends and we had no connection to the recent event, aside from covering it in a news piece last week.”

Staying away from that hideously incoherent movement was probably the best thing they could have done. Insert your own joke here…


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