Sacha Lord calls for “lockdown fanatic” doctors to say sorry days after a conspiracy nut calls for medics to face Nuremberg style trials – so what the hell is he playing at?

Sacha Lord is not a man who gets particularly kind treatment by this blog. Booking plague rave DJs for his events, refusing to urge his followers to help end the pandemic whilst doing his bit, and a curious attraction to rule breakers are all things I’ve covered.

And now I come to this one. The tweet starts off in typical boisterous fashion, namely along the lines of “I was right all along” – and then he says something terribly sinister…

Doctors should make public apologies for all the “mental health problems” they’ve created, according to Sacha Lord. This line sounds awfully similar to a message from Kate Shemirani – a friend of that well-known sensible person Danny Rampling – who claimed at the weekend that doctors were war criminals and their names should be compiled for Nuremberg style trials for those “crimes”.

This message from Lord is utterly irresponsible and inappropriate. No one is suggesting his comments are the same as Shemirani’s – but he should know far better than to say anything that gives this kind of dangerous narrative any room to grow.

Andy Burnham, the Mayor of Greater Manchester who employs Lord as a night time economy adviser, has been contacted for comment.


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