For some reason this week, there’s been a noticeable upturn in traffic on some of my older posts – in particular, these two about why DJs look so utterly miserable in press shots. The articles didn’t go into detail about exactly why that is – instead, I decided to use the miracle of modern imaging technology in order to turn those frowns upside down.
Admttedly, I’ve been pondering recently over the idea of creating some more posts on the subject – but I also thought I’d be treading over old ground. So I chose instead to see what would happen if I were to turn some of my favourite male DJs into women.
Simply because I could. So without further ado, here’s the gallery…
Demarcia Lewis Davina Morales Sabrina Junior Danielle J Lewis Marcella Cotterell Louise Vega Scott Diaz (Scott’s a female name too, apparently!) DJ Shauna Spencer Rosie Couch
Normal service resumes tomorrow. Well, as normal as this blog gets, anyway. And yes, expect an edition turning the women into men soon…