So that’s what Dennis Waterman is doing these days! News that a project created songs out of Covid-19’s DNA code just reminds me of old comedy Little Britain…

Those of you living in the UK might remember a show which was on the BBC during the 2000s – it was called Little Britain. The comedy show was created by Matt Lucas and David Walliams and basically consisted of sketches of various characters, such as Carol “computer says no” Beer, Andy Pipkin and Marjorie Dawes.

You’d be hard pressed to find the show anymore – streaming services took it down last year due to controversy over the use of blackface. But one person who was frequently mocked on the show was actor Dennis Waterman – and a running joke on the show was Waterman declining acting roles due to not being allowed to “write the theme tune, sing the theme tune”.

For some reason, Little Britain’s interpretation of Waterman was the second thing I thought of when reading the news someone has taken the code of the Covid-19 virus and put it music. The first, of course, being that this person obviously has nothing better to do with their time.

Their website pompously tells us…

“The idea for this collection was born from an awe of the beauty in the code of life. We hope this project helps to raise awareness that even a virus capable of inflicting such misery is fundamentally based on the same code as every living thing on earth.  We thought it would be interesting to take this code and make it play music.  We hope you find it as haunting, interesting and provocative as we do.”

Judging by the fact their YouTube channel has a total of 43 subscribers, my guess is that we don’t…


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