A mince pie for Santa and a carrot for his reindeer! As Mr Claus starts his journey to bring presents to the world’s children, take a guess which gangster is having an early night too…

So it’s Christmas Eve. If your tree isn’t standing tall by now, it almost certainly isn’t going up this year. By now, you’ve probably got all the stuff you need for a table-groaning dinner tomorrow, and this blog hopes you’ve got all the presents you’re going to need for your nearest and dearest.

And with it being the big day tomorrow, Santa Claus will be starting to make his way around the world shortly to deliver presents for children, no matter where they are. Various trackers are available online if you want to know roughly where Mr Claus is at any given moment – and to be fair, they can be terribly useful.

Why’s that? Well, in the grand spirit of Christmas cheer and mischievousness, I’ll tell you. It helps you to work out when you should go to bed – because remember, Santa cannot come to your house and empty his sack if you’re wide awake, can he? It would be like going round to someone’s house for Christmas dinner and discovering you were only getting Brussels sprouts to eat – a right stinker!

One person who’s determined to show Santa he’s been a good boy this year is DJ Sneak. He won’t be staying up until the early hours of the morning – his Christmas Eve live stream ends at 11pm local time. With his set starting at 5pm, he’ll need plenty of festive sweets and mulled wine to keep him going for six hours.

However, Sneak might want to get a move on after doing his Friday night show. Because according to every Santa tracker I’ve checked, Papa Nöel – to use his French name – will be in the USA between 9pm and midnight. So let’s hope that the self-declared house gangster gets to bed in time.

And don’t forget to leave out a mince pie for Santa and a carrot for his reindeer. Best not leave out one of your joints, though – and I don’t mean of the musical variety…


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