I suppose all those sinks won’t fix themselves! One year on from his vow to remove his music from the digital stores, exactly how is DJ Sneak getting on with the task?

In the dying days of 2020, DJ Sneak posted a few musings on his social media pages. The pandemic had given him time to think, and he’d decided he would be doing things differently in the future. And one thing he pledged to do was remove his music from the digital stores.

Sneak, possibly having had too many mince pies over the  Christmas break, wanted to pretend it was 1995 again. No pesky internet around then – it was all real DJs playing on vinyl, carrying back-breaking crates of wax around the world. This was a better system, he believes – although possibly not for the backs of those carrying aforementioned crates of wax.

Anyway, I’ve been helping “the original gangster” – as he himself and quite possibly his mother call him – to keep count. Now, this blog makes allowances for the fact master rights may not be owned by DJ Sneak – real name Carlos Sosa – on some records, so I accept it’s going to take a while to acquire control of those back.

On January 19th last year, he had 613 tracks up on Traxsource. Taking all of that down wasn’t going to be an easy undertaking – but the numbers haven’t gone down much. Infact, the lowest they got to was 572 back in May last year. For ease of reference, I’ve prepared this handy, cut out and keep – okay, maybe I wouldn’t go that far – chart which shows the numbers…

Today’s total? At the time of writing this post, 594 records are still on Traxsource. Which increasingly leads me to think that Sneak owns the master recording rights on very few of his own records.

Elsewhere, his total on Beatport is a whopping 791 records. He also has a presence on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, Amazon Music, Deezer and any other number of streaming services. So much for the digital detox, Carlos…


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