You might have noticed this blog hasn’t published anything on Derrick May for the past few weeks. That’s mostly because there’s been nothing new to report. Sources on Detroit have been sending me rumours that the man himself contracted Covid-19 over Christmas, but I’m unable to confirm if this is true.
What I can say is his DJing diary is pretty much empty. Whilst the dance music world’s reaction to the sexual abuse allegations which surround him was muted, to say the least, many have responded by no longer booking him to appear – a pretty powerful response in itself.
What’s also clear is a small number of people continue to back him to the hilt, for varying reasons. But possibly the most baffling is Carl Craig’s continuing support. Quite why a winner who has actual talent backs a loser like Derrick May is something I’ve never been able to get to grips with.
And that support is pretty public. Last week, Defected announced that Craig had been confirmed to do a set at their festival in Croatia in August. As part of the deal, Craig was allowed to do a takeover of their popular radio show, which was broadcast on Friday.
Naturally, he’s featured a bit of Derrick May in his one hour set. But not once – twice. May features twice in the space of five records. And as far as I’m concerned, using probably the biggest platform in house music today to express support by playing two of his records is nothing short of an insult.
Not only is this the equivalent of Craig sticking up two fingers to all those who have come forward with harrowing stories of May’s alleged behaviour, it also raises major questions about Defected. What on earth were they thinking when Craig sent them this mix and they agreed to broadcast it in this form?
As the biggest label in house music, it’s inconceivable they’re not aware of the allegations surrounding May. I’ve also noticed that in the label’s recent love-in of Detroit, Derrick May was entirely absent from proceedings. So what possessed them to associate their strong brand name with a person whose reputation is frankly mud?
I’m not remotely surprised Craig has resorted to this – but I am extremely disappointed at the lack of judgement from Defected in allowing this to happen on their own very carefully choreographed platform…