Least they’re not plugging their own contributor! Resident Advisor emphasise just how cool and underground they think they are – by reviewing the latest album from The Weeknd…

Resident Advisor, like much of the music world, appears to be completely incapable of introspection. They never consider how something might look to the outsider looking in – indeed, they’re often surprised and unsure how to respond when someone starts asking questions.

For example, this blog runs a music review column at the weekend. It’s called The Six On Saturday (That Aren’t From Me!) – and it’s called this for a reason. And that reason is simply it does not feature anything which I worked on. It’s a legacy thing from my artist Facebook page which predated Amateur’s House – if I produced it, remixed it or am connected to it in any way, I don’t write about it.

It really is that simple. I think reviewing my own music simply isn’t a good look – but Resident Advisor don’t think so. Only they could carry a review of an EP from the blog blocking Ash Lauryn and not see this was a clear conflict of interest. Infact, I deliberately keep a distance between myself and the producers whose music I review.

Now, Resident Advisor frequently talk about how they see themselves as representatives of a culture. They also like to speak in long-winded and pompous pieces about things they’re going to do to showcase as much of the scene as possible – especially parts which rarely or never get any media exposure.

Yet here they are reviewing music from The Weeknd – an underground singer who has sold a modest 75 million records and who’s worth the very small sum of $200million. Not exactly consistent with their claims to showcase talent we haven’t seen before…

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One thought on “Least they’re not plugging their own contributor! Resident Advisor emphasise just how cool and underground they think they are – by reviewing the latest album from The Weeknd…

  1. mcpartymouth 25 January 2022 at 19:58


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