For a while there, I was beginning to come to the conclusion that having a go at Nervous Records and their boss Michael Weiss is a little bit like spanking a man in a gimp suit. You’re ultimately using your own time and energy to carry out the act and you suspect that the gimp secretly likes the punishment being doled out.
Such was the near total indifference to the sexist, horrendously outdated advertising the label uses. To date, this blog is the only online outlet calling them out for this – all the more bizarre given the dance music press are filled with virtue signalling types who like finding things to get indignant about.
But there are signs this is starting to change. Since I wrote a post a while ago about internal discussions within the company about changing their advertising strategy, Weiss appears to have decided to double down. Judging by the reaction on a number of social media posts recently, he might well have made a rare mistake in a very successful career.
Only on Thursday, this blog published an article all about the trip Weiss took with two of the Nervous Records models to Tulum. I understand this was at least partially a business trip – but plenty of pictures were taken to document the event. And one of those was a photo of a half-naked Weiss with the two models in question.
Reaction to the photo was mixed, to say the least. Undeterred, Nervous have posted the photo over on Facebook. The response has been even worse, as this selection shows…

Nervous can’t ignore this forever…