Here’s One They Made Earlier: 30th May 2022

For this week’s installment of Here’s One They Made Earlier, it’s back to the year 2000 for a track we considered to be terribly underrated at the time. Back in the late 90s, dance magazines were full of commentary about how Deep Dish weren’t as good as they used to be earlier in the decade – commentary which, to be fair, was essentially correct.

But anyone looking through the lengthy archive of Deep Dish remixes from 1994 to the early 2000s would be foolish to ignore their later efforts. They could still turn out gold, as happened when they reworked the curiously named “Always Remember To Respect And Honour Your Mother” at the turn of the millennium. It takes a little while to get going by today’s standards, but is well and truly worth listening to.

What begins as a progressive/tribal house kind of record starts to really develop its own personality from 3 minutes in, when organ sounds, choir vocals and a deep but highly effective bassline kick in. Even more elements are introduced from the halfway point of this nearly 13 minute long remix.

Best listened to with headphones – like most of the tracks in this column, really…


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