Wednesday Whisper: 22nd June 2022

Which DJ has recently become quite fussy at what he wears to his gigs? Ears To The House heard a rumour a few weeks ago about this man, who normally wears at least one item from his range of merchandise for almost every single show he does – so we thought we’d look into it.

And it turns out to be at least anecdotally true. The man himself refused to comment when approached by us, but a source who knows him was happy to confirm its accuracy. Not only that, but a story comes in from a recent show where much of his merchandise was on sale at a stall in the venue.

When someone asked the DJ why he wasn’t wearing any of the clothes he was selling, he blamed “cheap polyester” and described his products as “not as good as they used to be. Infact, they’re crap compared to what they used to be.”.

Gerald Ratner would be proud…


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