Are Rolling Stone unaware of Derrick May abuse claims?

Most of us these days have access to something called the internet. You might have heard of it – it’s a network which allows people with a device which can access said network to share and exchange information. You’re on it right now, reading this fine website.

But it appears, dear reader, that some people use a different type of internet. One which doesn’t have search engines like Google, Bing, Duck Duck Go and so forth. Given that Google has been in existence since 4th September 1998, Ears To The House dreads to imagine what the internet looks like for those stuck on it.

We can’t possibly think of another explanation for Rolling Stone magazine’s latest stunt. They recently published a blatantly clickbait article called “200 Greatest Dance Songs Of All Time” – and the fact the article is led with a picture of Kylie Minogue tells you rather a lot. Nonetheless, this hasn’t prevented a lot of people who really should know better from sharing it online.

Occasional Detroit DJ Derrick May is one of those who seems to be very happy to appear in this mainstream publication. His 1987 release “Strings Of Life” – based around a sample of a longer piece of music by Michael James – is at number 33 on the list. Now, we can just about stomach his inclusion in this list – regardless of what he may or may not have done, his name does inevitably feature in dance music history.

But it’s what comes next which is much more unedifying. In a follow-up article, a Rolling Stone contributor called Claire Shaffer does a brief interview with Derrick May himself about the song. Curiously, she does not ask him questions about the multiple sexual assault allegations he has faced in the past two years.

Why is Rolling Stone magazine allowing Derrick May the honour of an interview on their hallowed pages, given that the man himself refuses to answer questions on the subject – and indeed has never even properly denied the claims? And how on earth did Claire Shaffer not know about the allegations?

After all, anyone searching the name “Derrick May” on Google will see articles by the likes of Annabel Ross and Ellie Flynn detailing numerous accusations made against him by multiple women – not to mention various articles by a website you might have heard of called Ears To The House.

Rolling Stone magazine were contacted last Wednesday by this site for comment – they still haven’t responded as of the time of publication. Perhaps the email hasn’t managed to travel back to 1998 yet…

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