Should Guy Gerber perform at Swiss festival next month?

These are unusual times in the world of Guy Gerber. Back in June, he was accused by Mavi De Mars of rape – he strongly denies the accusation. Island Hospitality Group subsequently announced his Mirror Games and Rumors events were both being suspended with immediate effect – seemingly by “mutual agreement”.

Since then, Gerber has somewhat scaled down the number of events he’s playing at, but hasn’t stopped entirely. And recently, it was confirmed that Gerber would be playing on the Modernity stage of the Caprices Festival – which is due to take place in Switzerland on 16th September.

Now, let’s be absolutely clear here – the subject matter . Ears To The House makes no assumption whatsoever on the guilt or innocence of Guy Gerber over the recent allegations made by Mavi De Mars against him. We understand that legal representatives for Gerber and De Mars are involved in the background, and we won’t be making any further comment on this matter.

But the question surely must be posed of why the industry doesn’t have a standard approach for matters such as this. Island Hospitality Group made clear they weren’t working with Gerber again until this matter was resolved – yet other clubs are happy to continue booking him and promoting his forthcoming appearance.

In many other industries, someone accused of something like this would be suspended from work until the matter was resolved, one way or another. But the dance music world has no such universal approach – and in an industry which increasingly considers itself to be professional, it’s something we can’t help but think should be looked at more closely…

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