Wednesday Whisper: 5th October 2022

Which regular DJ on the touring circuit caused his entire team to miss their flights recently due to his heavy sleeping? The DJ in question had completed a number of gigs in Ibiza and surrounding countries across mainland Europe and was due to fly home from the White Isle, alongside their manager and two members of staff.

Having completed the last show of a very busy season, they were all due to head back home – but the plan soon ran into trouble. The flight was due to leave at around 2pm with all four on board. They were due to meet up at the foyer of the snazzy hotel and travel together to the airport.

Three of them did turn up – but there was no sign of the DJ. Repeated attempts to call him on his phone, as well as dialling his room number, all resulted in failure. As they became increasingly concerned over his welfare, they eventually managed to persuade a member of staff to allow them into his room.

And what did they find? The DJ lying down on his bed, fully clothed and snoring loudly. Whilst adult content was playing on the TV…


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