Here’s One They Made Earlier: 21st November 2022

House music is all rubbish these days, it used to be so much better in the past. It’s a statement which Ears To The House has heard many times before – and it’s a statement we respectfully disagree with. Yes, there’s an awful lot of generic, dull house music around, there’s no question about that.

But the truth is this has always been so. Contrary to the belief of rose tinted older clubbers, the idea that all the music back in the 1980s was fantastic is a tired myth. There was proportionately as much rubbish back then – the difference is that in the old days, people had little other choice than to buy what was available.

Demarkus Lewis is one of those American house producers who demonstrates there’s still plenty of quality around. He’s been releasing house music since at least 1999 and is probably more prolific now than ever. And “Statesmen On The Rocks” is one of those finer recent examples.

This particular remix is provided by Zetbee – real name Zdenek Budik – and somehow manages to be even better than the Demarkus Lewis original. Which isn’t easy to do…


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