Wednesday Whisper: 1st February 2023

Which major house music label is currently making increasingly desperate efforts to avoid allegations of bad business practices from being made public? Most of the claims – which Ears To The House are looking into, incidentally – circulate around their supposed antics when commissioning remixes.

For example, one artist recently sent a story to one of the major dance music publications revealing that the label declined to release his remix on the grounds they didn’t like it. He also had to forfeit his fee – but there’s just one problem. Not only did the label release it anyway, but when he complained, they held back 30% of the agreed fee. And the reason for this?

Mastering costs, apparently. This is despite the fact this is traditionally an expense paid for by record label, to be recouped later from royalties. The publication never responded to the email – but he did receive a response in a WhatsApp group from several other DJs saying the label had done the same thing to them.

Still, we’re confident that the reason the publication declined to get involved had nothing to do with a high-ranking editor having dinner with the label’s boss lately – at the label’s expense…

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