Here’s Three They Made Earlier: 20th February 2023

Do you remember Frankie Knuckles? We imagine most of you reading this do – if you aren’t, he’s basically the reason we’re writing this right now. He started his career as a DJ in the 1970s playing mostly disco records. After the backlash to disco in the 1980s, he switched focus for a few years until house music began to form – something which he was involved with too.

He was all over the place during the 90s, with his remixes in huge demand – earning five figure fees each time alongside his busy DJing schedule. Knuckles was less involved during the early 2000s – indeed, for a time, he was nowhere to be seen until a band called Hercules And The Love Affair asked him to remix a song called “Blind”.

Knuckles turned this project down initially, but later changed his mind. Having realised that music production techniques had changed dramatically over the previous years, he consulted with long-time friend and production partner Eric Kupper for advice. And this led to the beginning of Director’s Cut, a new joint project between the two men.

Director’s Cut ended with Knuckles’s death at the age of 59 from diabetes complications in 2014 – but anyone listening to Eric Kupper’s remixes can still hear some of those influences even today. And this was one of the remixes which the partnership made famous…


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