Wednesday Whisper: 8th March 2023

Which DJ recently had to be persuaded to abandon a particularly toe-curling idea he’d had at a photoshoot? The DJ in question told friends towards the end of last year that his press pictures were getting a little old and that he’d get new ones done in the new year.

And indeed he has. The shoot happened some two weeks ago with his favourite photographer – and best of all, a close friend of his had bought him a voucher as a Christmas present which covered almost the entire cost! All was going well as he followed the very professional photographer’s instructions – until the DJ started to try thinking for himself.

He spoke about an article he claimed to have read recently, which said that barefoot shots tend to get better responses nowadays – mostly due to the internet being filled with foot fanciers. The DJ also pointed, as evidence to support his case, to photos he previously took of a female DJ where her pedicured feet are clearly visible in several of the shots.

The photographer was, according to our witness, “not exactly convinced” at the idea – but decided to see where it would lead. So the DJ in question took off his shoes and socks – and as our witness puts it , “everyone in the room started to cringe a bit, and it wasn’t just because he obviously hadn’t washed his feet in weeks”.

Shots were duly taken with the offending hooves in view, but none of them were reportedly selected by the DJ afterwards. When asked why, he’s supposed to have said “I don’t think my fans are artistic enough to appreciate those”.

We still have no idea what he meant…


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