Sympathy and support comes pouring in for Michael Bibi as he reveals he was diagnosed last week with aggressive CNS Lymphoma cancer

Yesterday, Michael Bibi took to Instagram to inform his fans – but it was not to tell them about his latest set. The news was to be much more sobering – the 32-year-old British DJ, whose 33rd birthday is barely weeks away – revealed that he received a diagnosis of CNS Lymphoma last week.

Going into a little more detail on his health difficulties, Bibi revealed this rare and often aggressive form of cancer of the brain and spinal cord are “moving fast and I have to stay in hospital [to start] treatment immediately”. He also admitted to feeling “tired”, but also proclaimed “I won’t let this beat me”.

We understand that Bibi has been suffering from health problems for a while now – indeed, it was initially believed that he was dealing with a case of tinnitus. The horrible truth only emerged later after further testing.

More information about CNS Lymphoma is available on Cancer Research UK, but in a nutshell, the lymphomatic system is essentially the way the human body gets rid of cells that shouldn’t be there – such as cancer cells. It’s an integral paint of our immune system – so it’s harder to treat than more conventional types of cancer.

Here’s a very small selection of the comments – currently running at over 22,000 – in the thread…

The entire team at Ears To The House sends its best wishes to Bibi at this difficult time for him.

Here’s Three They Made Earlier returns next Monday.


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