A second summer of love, it certainly isn’t! Peggy Gou partied in central London this week to celebrate her new single – surrounded by security goons…

One thing which Ears To The House noticed very quickly about many in dance music’s higher echelons is that they have almost no self-awareness whatsoever. This is why they keep doing stupid things – such as Danny Tenaglia posing with his massive trunk – and can’t understand it when someone points out they’re doing something stupid.

We’ve also noticed this is a trend that’s getting worse with each generation, not better. Which is why there was only one reaction in the Ears To The House office to Peggy Gou having a supposedly impromptu party in central London to celebrate “my big day”.

But in case you’re wondering, Gou wasn’t referring to her birthday – her 32nd won’t be until July 3rd. No, she was talking about the release of her new single, “Nanana”…

The second summer of love spirit, which the footage was meant to capture – not for nothing is Gou’s music filled with sounds from the likes of the Korg M1 synthesiser – is totally undermined by the presence of no less than four hired goons whose job appears to be surrounding a dancing Peggy Gou whilst looking utterly miserable in the process.

Added to that is the fact Gou just happened to have a collection of merchandise available for her fans to buy, and the fact she also just happened to have a number of her dancers present. Nonetheless, being surrounded by heavies just makes the footage look ridiculous – and just what exactly were they protecting Gou from, anyway?

At the end of the post are the words “happy pride month”, despite the footage seemingly having nothing to do with Pride. We wonder whether Gou would be as comfortable posting this from the streets of Seoul – after all, her native South Korea has a considerably less liberal attitude to LGBT rights than Britain.

In South Korea, marriages and other types of legal partnerships aren’t legal for same sex couples. The country’s laws don’t provide any kind of legal protection against discrimination of the LGBT community – and hate crimes on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity are not, in themselves, illegal.

Then again, as we’ve pointed out before, Gou’s real political views are something of a mystery – to put it mildly…


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