Funny how outsiders are okay when it suits his bank balance! Detroit Love is available to go on the road – and Carl Craig’s list of approved DJs even includes Diplo…

Back in May 2021, Carl Craig – few in Detroit have a higher opinion of him than he does – told the world that “people who ain’t from Detroit need to stay out of Detroit business”. This was back when Ears To The House had only started digging into him – it’s always nice to know when we’ve got under someone’s skin.

Since then, we’ve continued to stay out of Detroit’s business by frequently writing about them – much to the annoyance of some of the bigger names in the city, who’d prefer to avoid scrutiny. Nonetheless, the message from Craig to the world was clear – don’t try and get involved with things that are nothing to do with you.

It appears the man himself now needs a reminder of his own words. As pandemic restrictions eased, Craig unleashed his new money spinner – Detroit Love. What began as local parties in the city soon went on the road – indeed, we understand they held an event recently in Amsterdam.

And Detroit Love can come to a city near you – for the right price, of course. The exact figures are a closely guarded secret – although a regular Detroit source says the events are negotiated via Hagi Craig, the wife of Carl Craig. Oh, and he also said “Anyone wanting to do business with Hagi needs to bring their wallet. She’s no one’s fool.”.

What is known, however, is that the events are run in a similar way to a franchise – they even come with a list of approved DJs that can be used. Carl Craig personally wrote the list himself – and most of the names on it are, unsurprisingly, local DJs from Detroit itself such as Moodymann, Stacey Pullen, and Seth Troxler.

But one name did come as something of a surprise – and that was Diplo. Yes, that would be Thomas Wesley Pentz of Tupelo, the sixth largest city in the state of Mississippi. How on earth did a DJ from America’s Magnolia State end up on the list – and how does that align with Carl Craig’s previous words that “people who ain’t from Detroit need to stay out of Detroit business”?

The exact reasons are unclear. What we do know is that last year, Pentz – who bizarrely claimed a few months ago that he’s “not not gay” – appeared alongside Carl Craig and Moodymann at Club Space in Miami. They’ve also crossed paths in the past – appearing on the same bill at Mysteryland in 2016, and Movement Detroit in 2012.

Curiously, however, despite Diplo being on this apparent list of approved DJs, we can find no instance of him actually playing at a Detroit Love party. So in a way, Carl Craig has kept to his views that “people who ain’t from Detroit need to stay out of Detroit business”…


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