Was that the best you could come up with, Mike? Sonus Festival make dubious claim Derrick May is “continuing to shape the genre of techno” – despite doing almost no gigs in three years…

Sometimes, Ears To The House feels like we’re a gun staring down at a barrel full of fish. Because no matter how many good people are in the industry that we cover, there are so many bad ones that we’re basically going to find one with every shot we take.

Today’s fish appears to Derrick May, the occasional 60-year-old DJ from Detroit who pretends he doesn’t read this site. Yet again, we regret disturbing the peace in Farmington Hills this Sunday – but it turns out his self-appointed publicist Mike Weston has been let loose with a piece of paper and a pencil.

Why was this? Because with May having been booked to appear at the tenth anniversary of Sonus Festival, they needed something which they could publish about him on the socials. And seeing that most festivals appear to employ no one who can actually think of something to write themselves, the task fell to plank lover Mike Weston.

A heavy cross to bear, certainly. Let’s see what he managed to conjure up…


Is this really the best that a man who calls himself a “media strategist” could come up with? The more you think about it, the less sense it makes – because May’s record in the development of techno is questionable, to put it mildly.

The boast that he “continues to shape the genre” of techno contrasts with a reality where he has barely done a gig over the past three years. And at best, he spent most of the past few decades “shaping the genre” by sniping at those actually making it in never-ending media interviews.

May is understood, according to a few of our Detroit sources, to “f***ing hate” the big room techno being played by most of the big names today – yet he also knows he can’t speak out about it. The reason is because one of those likely to respond is Rebekah Teasdale – who has been vocal in reminding others of the sexual abuse allegations made against May.

It’s worth reminding everyone that Derrick May has not released any new music since 1992. You can say what you like about many of his Detroit compatriots – and Ears To The House certainly does – but they have at least continued to publish new tracks and remixes.

And we haven’t even gotten onto the fact that the image of May being used in the post above is the very same that appeared in the original articles which made multiple allegations of sexual abuse against him. Any “media strategist” worth their salt would honestly want to weep in despair at the stupidity on show here.

Weston is reported to have spent a large five figure sum into reviving Derrick May’s career. With decisions like these, he could be waiting a very long time for a return on his investment…


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