Wednesday Whisper: 26th July 2023

Which DJ is reported to have been the cause of a literal stink at a festival lately? The higher echelon DJ was on the lineup for a large outdoor festival recently, along with several other DJs with high opinions of themselves – and it must be said, they aren’t generally known for anything like this.

Having arrived in the country the evening before, they went to meet up for dinner with a number of other DJ friends. By all accounts, the DJ in question was very hungry – eating a number of dishes that featured prominent usage of hot chillis. Friends were apparently impressed at his high tolerance for heat – especially given the weather at the time.

Anyway, he went to do his set the next day at the festival – and things started to go a bit wrong. Those hot chillis he had the night before apparently decided to start having their revenge on him – because he apparently started releasing these very noxious farts.

Mercifully, no one could hear his bottom trumpeting over the music – but anyone within a relatively close vicinity was left in no doubt of what was happening. The crowd remained blissfully unaware, thank heavens…


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