Wednesday Whisper: 16th August 2023

Which female DJ has reportedly told her social media team that any photos uploaded to the likes of Instagram must never have her bare feet in them? Even by the ridiculous standards of the higher echelon DJ world, this one takes some beating – but it turns out there is at least some logic to the decree.

The edict went out to her team a number of weeks ago – and the team themselves were initially as mystified as everyone else. Normally, the DJ in question submitted photographs directly – and whenever her feet were in photos, they had some kind of footwear on them. Was the DJ simply trying to fix a problem that didn’t exist?

Er, not exactly. Around a week after the order was made, the DJ just happened to be on a Zoom call – when a member of the team cheekily asked her about it. The DJ apparently responded by simply saying it was a “business decision” and that “my feet are my business”.

It transpires she may have meant this literally – the DJ in question has previously mulled over the idea of opening an OnlyFans account, allowing subscribers access to more, shall we say, spicy content. And she apparently wants to keep her options for making money as open as possible in case her DJ career ever dips in popular…


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