Wednesday Whisper: rumours, just rumours | October 18, 2023

Which female DJ and producer recently got together to collaborate with a fellow male DJ from the music world – only to end up working on a much more intimate idea than they had in mind? The male DJ originally posted a mysterious shot from his studio a few weeks ago, which apparently showed him at a mixing desk with the female DJ in question.

According to our source, the two had previously made contact via Instagram DMs and realised there were a number of days when they’d be in the same city. So they decided to get together and make some music. However, when they did eventually meet at the studio, the chemistry between the duo was much stronger than expected.

By all accounts, there was quite a bit of sexual tension in the studio whilst the two produced a few tracks together – with one of their staffers even commenting openly on the subject in their presence. Our source said that none of the staffers – “his people” and “her people” – couldn’t get hold of them afterwards.

But they did mention the male DJ seemed even more pleased with himself when they saw him the next morning…

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