DJs Playing Badly: when the DJ just fails epically | November 5, 2023

Welcome to another instalment of DJs Playing Badly – our column where, each Sunday, we take a look at DJs who have committed some kind of fail. Perhaps a totally messed up mix transition or they’ve failed to create any kind of atmosphere. You get the idea.

This week, it’s one of those clips that shows just how bad things have got in parts of the dance music scene. This video shows us the Circoloco closing party earlier this year – the music itself is the usual here today, gone tomorrow stuff that traditionally appears in this column.

But just take one look at the crowd. Most of the people in it are brandishing a smartphone in one hand, just filming a scene of… well, nothing much, really. Nobody’s doing any dancing, nobody appears to be actually enjoying themselves. Altogether, it just leaves us wondering why they’re even there…

More DJs Playing Badly next week…

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