Wednesday Whisper: rumours, just rumours | November 29, 2023

Which DJ has finally broken free of the drug addiction that was starting to bring him down a very bad road – with one inevitable, tragic ending? Regular readers might remember this particular Wednesday Whisper from July 2021, where we published revelations about just how much this man was consuming at the time.

As we reported at the time, he’d increased his regular order to his drug dealer to an “eight ball” – an eighth of an ounce (roughly 3g). The DJ had been ordering several at a time – so much so that he had to phone in his choices and then arrange a collection date and time.

It was quite an alarming revelation – and Ears To The House did get a few people getting in touch afterwards expressing concern. Well, we’re delighted to report that he is now drug free – so how did he get from ordering cocaine in bulk to living without the stuff?

It all began early this year when he had several espressos to drink. Beginning to feel unwell – he complained about his heart to those with him at the time – he went to hospital and found he was having serious health problems. These were all related to his extremely heavy drug use – although since pandemic restrictions eased and work resumed, his intake had already mercifully fallen.

Once out of ICU, he vowed that he wouldn’t touch the stuff again. He also decided he wouldn’t drink any more alcohol – as it was also beginning to cause problems. At the time of writing, he remains drug free and alcohol free for the past few months – and we couldn’t be happier…


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