It’s almost like you don’t want anyone to hear them! Contest winning remixes of Louie Vega’s “How He Works” are being released slap bang between Christmas and New Year…

Back in early May, Ears To The House published an article all about a remix contest being run by Luis Ferdinand Vega Jr – better known simply as Louie Vega. In conjunction with the Mike Weiss owned Nervous Records, they ran a competition where people could remix his song “How He Works”.

At the time, Loopcloud’s blurb excitedly claimed that new artists could use this as a springboard to “launch your career as a producer” – something that Louie Vega himself would have no experience of. Remember that this man was part of Masters At Work – and alongside Kenny Gonzalez used to charge the majors around $20,000 a time for remixes.

The winners of the contest were announced a while ago, which left the question of when they were going to be released. Both Vega and Nervous had to give final approval for their release – and by the looks of it, the process went smoothly, with eight different mixes now available on preorder at Traxsource…

But anyone of a more eagle-eyed nature might well have noticed the release date for the remixes – Friday 29th December. In other words, slap bang in the middle of that weird period between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day when no one can quite remember what day it is.

It also happens to traditionally be amongst the quietest times of the year for music sales – a trend that hasn’t changed much in the digital age. It’s almost as if Nervous don’t want to draw much attention to the release – so much for grandiose boasts about “launching your career as a producer”…


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