So what’s Tim Westwood doing with himself these days? Er, welcoming in the New Year in Birmingham – and even letting people come to the club for free until 12.30am…

Over the past few years, some DJs have had to grapple with a very different kind of question to the ones they had in mind when starting out in their careers – namely, how do you move forward in the job when you’ve been accused of sexual impropriety? It seems straightforward in the case of a guilty conviction – but without that, the question becomes harder to answer.

Let’s take Derrick May as an example. Late in 2019, journalist Michael James began publishing allegations of sexual abuse against May – with the mainstream press following up with numerous other claims in 2020. May has never spoken out personally on the claims, and attempts to resuscitate his career since have been mixed in their success.

Another example is Tim Westwood – a curious creature, if ever there was one. A 66-year-old son of a Church of England vicar, there’s little denying how much he’s done to promote hip-hop and rap. Allegations of improper behaviour began circling around Westwood in 2020, with seven women making claims of sexual misconduct two years later.

Since then, Westwood has kept something of a low profile – only occasionally appearing on social media to promote forthcoming events. Even they aren’t as many in number as they used to be – but with New Year’s Eve fast approaching, will Westwood be able to resist the urge to celebrate?

In a word, no. He’s due to appear at Birmingham’s Bambu, but not until New Year’s Day itself. Although the day – falling on a Monday – is a designated Bank Holiday throughout the UK, it’s not exactly up there with welcoming in 2024 at the turn of midnight…

At the time of publication, Bambu’s own Instagram page mysteriously isn’t publicising this event anywhere – although we did notice they were happy enough to promote an event with Chris Brown, a man actually convincted of a violent attack on Rihanna in 2009, back last summer…


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